About us


Lost and found

Found objects and lost souls on the Web:

04/07/06: The Field Guide to North American Hipsters, volumes one, two, and reader mail.


Hub schlubs

Tucker Lewis &
Jen Park:
Diesel Cafe

Cheap thrills

Hare of the dog
At first, the idea either strikes you as stupid or brilliant: Drinking and running. Running and drinking. Drinking and running. Running and drinking.

Would you like a Bud with those fries sir?
How thirsty are you for a cold one? What if you never had to even get out of your car to obtain beverage heaven. Yes, the Brew Thru does exist, and nirvana is just south of here.

Financial confusion

Working without work: the American dream

“You sit there really awkward, with random, nerdy, poor guys and talk about weird things like body spray or how this bottle makes you feel when you look at it.” -- confessions of a focus group junkie.

Why should I care?

Harvest without getting your hands dirty
Desperate to get out of the freezer aisle at Johnny's Foodmaster and rediscover vitamins and your taste buds? Well, do it! And help local farmers without ever having to see an earthworm.

Hub love

The food of love
Smackdown: Edamame v. Pork Loin

Bar of the week

Bukowski's Tavern

Beer of the week


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