Web Design and Production


My day-to-day production opportunities are more scarce than they used to be, but here’s a look at some of the work I’ve done in the past. In all cases, pages/layouts/etc. were created within the confines of an existing content management system.

Section fronts

These section fronts were all created in concert with editors, designers, photographers and multimedia staff.

Election 2012

Election 2012

Remembering 9-11

Remembering 9-11


JSOnline homepage layouts

The template for the JSOnline.com homepage offers less flexibility than some other areas and websites, but there are still some opportunities for creativity.

Boston.com homepage layouts

Boston.com’s homepage used to allow for something almost unheard of in today’s template-dominated world: a blank slate in which to design a news layout. These were all created within the content management system by nesting tease elements and widgets within — well — basically within tables.

Miscellaneous Web production

Photo Galleries
